9 Highly Profitable Amazon KDP Niches Ideas 2024

Welcome to my blog! In this blog post, I will be sharing with you the top Low Content & Medium Content Book Niches for the year 2024. These niches include books that are selling well on Amazon right now and will continue to sell throughout the year.

Before sharing these niches with you, I would like to say that success in any niche depends upon your ability to niche down.

Though surface-level niches seem saturated, however, if you put some time and effort work into digging deep, you will be able to find some undeserved book niches or topics as well.

What is Amazon/KDP?

KDP stands for Kindle Direct Publishing. It’s Amazon’s platform for self-publishers. It allows you to publish eBooks, paperback and hardcover books with ease.

For self-publishers, Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform is a game-changer. It enables you to self-publish your work and reach millions of buyers worldwide, all without the traditional publishers.

Why Amazon KDP?

There are many reason why amazon kdp is the best platform for self-published authors. Here’s what it offers:

Free to Use: There are no upfront costs associated with setting up your KDP account or publishing your book.

Global Reach: Tap into Amazon’s vast marketplace, making your book available to a worldwide audience.

Multiple Formats: Publish your book in various formats – eBooks for Kindle devices and the Kindle app, or even paperback and hardcover versions.

You’re in Control: KDP grants you complete control over your book’s content, pricing, and marketing strategy.

Earn Royalties: Choose your royalty rate (up to 70%) and get paid for every book sold.
KDP goes beyond just publishing.

It provides you with tools and resources to help you throughout your self-publishing journey, including book cover creation assistance and marketing tools. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or a first-time author, KDP offers a platform to share your voice and connect with readers.

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9 Profitable Low Content & Medium Content Book Ideas

9 best amazon kdp niches to make passive income online

Below are some KDP Book Niches that can make you a decent online income in 2024 and beyond.

Are you new to Amazon Kdp? I have recently written a detailed post about How Amazon Kdp Works & How to Upload Your Very First Book. Do check it out!!

1. Educational Books & Workbooks

educational books for kids amazon

Educational books sell very well on Amazon. Especially since 2020, there has been a huge increase in demand for kids’ educational books and workbooks.

You can easily find sub-niches under this main niche, to help you get started, below are some sub-niches that fall under educational books.

Sub-Niches include

a. Letter Tracing Books / Handwriting Practice Books

b. Cursive Handwriting Books

c. Number Tracing Books

d. Math Workbooks

e. Scissor Skills Book

One of the most profitable educational niches is math workbooks. I have been publishing math workbooks on KDP for the last month or so using software called Math Worksheets Generator.


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You may like to watch a video on how to create a handwriting practice book in PowerPoint;


My Recommended KDP Masterclass 2025

KDP Masterclass By Self Publishing Titans: Get 40% Off For Next 4 Days!


2. Activity Books For Kids

activity books for kids amazon

Activity books are a profitable niche but they can be competitive as well. What this means is, that you need to niche down to find low-competition keywords to target to make money in this niche. Following are some most popular sub-niches under the main activity book niche.

Sub-Niches In Activity Books

There are so many sub-niches that fall under the umbrella of the Activity Books niche. Some sub-niches are listed below.

a. Word Search Books

Word search or word find books are really popular among both kids and adults. You need to use some sort of software or tool to make such puzzle books. I use Instant Puzzle Generator to create word search books.

b. Mazes Puzzles or Maze for Kids

Maze puzzle books are profitable and if you manage to niche down in this niche you can make a good amount of money. Again you need to use some sort of software to create these puzzle books. I use Kidz Puzzle Books to create maze puzzles.

There are many other maze generators both free and paid available over the internet. But the problem with free maze generators is you can’t use them commercially. So, you need to purchase software like Maze Craze or Puzzle Maker to create these types of low-content books.

c. I Spy Books

This includes I Spy Books for kids and toddlers and it’s an in-demand and profitable niche. The good news is you can easily create I Spy Books using a free online tool called Canva.

Just have a good look at the interior of the already-selling books and try to replicate those in Canva. It’s really easy…

Here the key is to create books around certain themes like sports, space, animals, nature, back to school, and so on.

d. Dot Marker Activity Books

Dot marker or dabe marker activity books or dot marker coloring books are really popular among kids and they do sell well on Amazon too. In this type of coloring of books, kids use dot markers to color instead of regular colored pencils, so the book interior essentially includes a coloring page with hollow dots or circles.

e. Dot To Dot Books

Dot-to-dot or connect the dots is yet another very profitable low-content book niche. And you can expect really good profits if you manage to niche down and find some low-competition keywords.

👉 Want to create puzzle books for kids and adults in Powerpoint? Do check my post on Quickly Create Puzzles for KDP Low Content Books!

3. Password Log Book

password log books on amazon

Password Log Book or Password Tracker is a profitable low content book niche and it’s really easy to create as well. It provides this user with an easy-to-use password organizer to keep his/her internet password and login info in one easy place.

The book interior is really simple and you can create them for free with tools like PowerPoint, Keynotes, and Canva. It consists of four rows namely website/URL, username, password, and notes.

4. Accounting Ledger Book

accounting ledger book on amazon

An accounting ledger book is a kind of logbook also known as a cash memo. It comes with 6 to 7 columns including Serial No, Date, Description, Account, Debit, Credit, and Sum Total.

It can be really helpful for small business owners or even individuals who can use it to keep a record of their monthly income and expenditures.

It’s easy to create and you can do this in PowerPoint or Canva. Just create one page and repeat it 100 times to make an Accounting Ledger book.

5. Camping Journal and Travel Logbook

camping journal and travel log book amazon

Camping Journal and Travel Log books are really popular among people living RV life or people simply fond of camping and traveling.

This book lets them record their memories and experiences in one convenient place. This book again is very simple to create and wouldn’t take much time to create as well.

6. Work Out Log Book

work out log books amazon

Workout log has 880 Google searches per month and it has only 569 search results on Amazon. What this means is, this low-content book has high demand but the supply of books is still very low.

So, this is the kind of niche that you should be aiming for. Just do your research about the kind of interior that you can use in this log book and create a nice-looking cover.

7. Coloring Books for Kids

coloring books for kids on amazon

Coloring books for kids is a kind of evergreen niche and it has a huge range of sub-niches as well. Coloring books tend to sell all year round and can make you really good profits.

However, the coloring book niche can be tough to enter due to the fact the competition is very high here. So, to make money in this low content book niche in 2023, you need to think of sub-niches that are not competitive yet.

For instance coloring books for kids with quotes or coloring books with affirmations, etc.

I have written a detailed post about How to Create Coloring Books for Amazon Kdp the Right Way! You may find it useful too!

8. Activity Books for Adults

activity books for adults on amazon

Just like activity books for kids, books that contain activities for adults are really popular on Amazon as well.

This seems a very saturated niche as it shows over 50k search results for the exact keyword “Activity Books for Adults” but once you niche down, you can find very low competition keywords as well.

Like I have just found a keyword with around 1000 search results and it’s super targeted. It’s an “activity book for adults with dementia“.

As you saw, you can find under-served sub-niches in any given surface-level niche, all you have to do is put in some work to find these gems.

9. Coloring Books for Adults

coloring books for adults on amazon

I know this is a very competitive niche to publish books in. But as I mentioned earlier, you can always find underserved sub-niches in any niche.

To do that you need to install a Chrome extension called “Huge Amazon Search Suggestions Expander” by Self Publishing Titans. It’s free to use and it gives you a lot of long-tail keywords related to your seed keyword or search phrase.

By the way, I have a video on how to find Long Tail Keywords for your low and no-content books. You can watch it below;

As I searched for “coloring book for adults” in the Amazon search bar, this extension gave me a lot of related keywords that can be low-competition keywords as well.

coloring books for adults

Final Thoughts

In this post, I have listed some most popular and highly profitable low-content book niches for the year 2024. All you need is to find some low-competition sub-niche under these surface-level niches.

I hope you’ve found this post helpful, if yes then do share it with your family and friends. Thanks!

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Subha Malik


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