
Warning! KDP Account Terminated Due To Trademark Violation

Welcome to my blog, in today’s blogpost I will share with you the latest KDP ban. Recently KDP has terminated one of the famous kdp brands namely Jade summer. It is a very huge coloring book brand on KDP that has been recently banned due to a Trademark issue.

What this means is KDP is very serious about trademark infringement and overall compliance with their terms of service. Therefore, you need to pay very close attention to what you are creating and uploading to KDP.

jade summer kdp account terminated

Also, you need to do your due diligence before uploading any low or no content book on KDP because if you haven’t checked your keywords for any possible Trademark then your kdp account could be at risk.

In this blog post, I will share in detail what happened what precautions you should exercise to safeguard your DP account going forward.

Why Kdp Terminated Jade Summer?

why kdp terminated jade summer

Reportedly KDP has banned Jade Summer due to violation of their terms of service which specifically includes Trademark infringement. A few of their KDP titles had a Trademark word or phrase in them which KDP believes is a violation of their terms of service.  Based on this fact KDP has terminated Jade Summer’s KDP account forever.

The people at Jade summer had tried their best to get their account back, however, KDP hasn’t still deactivated their account.  Jade summer has also sent an email to their list asking their subscribers to help them out in this matter.  They also have given a contact number of KDP that their subscribers can use to contact KDP. 

According to Jade Summer, they were earning 98% of the total income from selling books at KDP.  Now as their account has been terminated almost all their income has gone away. 

A Few Lessons for Us

lessons for kdp publishers

The termination of Jade Summer’s kdp account has blown the whistle for all kdp publishers. We can learn some very important lessons from the biggest kdp ban. A few lessons from this kdp ban include:

Lesson # 1 – Never Play Against The Rules

As a kdp publisher, you need to play by the rules as defined in kdp terms of service. And among these terms of service trademark and copyright infringement are the biggest of all. 

You need to check the keywords that you use in your books’ title, subtitle, and back-end keywords and make sure there is no trademark word or phrase. Also, don’t use brands names including games, TV shows, public figures, and celebrities. 

Lesson # 2 – Don’t Rely On a Singe Platform

The second most important lesson we all can learn from this kdp ban is to always diversify your online income over different platforms. In other words, never rely on a single platform for all your household income.

If you are relying on kdp only, then you are making a huge mistake, as kdp is very serious about their terms of service and the customer experience is at their heart. Although kdp does give a warning if you do something wrong the very first time, it may happen that they decide to close your account without any warning.

Lesson # 3 – Have a Backup

If you don’t have any 9-5 job and fully rely on online income, then you should set aside a portion of your monthly income. Ideally, you need to have at least 6 to 12 months of income saved up or invested somewhere that you can use when things go wrong. 

Let’s Summarize It

Kdp seems like cracking down on accounts violating their terms of service and/or spamming their platform. Therefore, you need to be very cautious: upload only quality books, always check your books for trademark and avoid copyright infringement. 

And, if you like this quick post, then share it with your friends!

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Subha Malik


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