
7 Profitable Low Competition KDP Niches In 12 Minutes!

The other day I did a video on my youtube channel, where I showed how you can quickly find low competition kdp niches in minutes. Actually, I did a live KDP Niche Research using a book bolt. 

The tool I used under the book bolt is known as the Cloud Tool. It’s an awesome tool that lets you find both no and low-content book niches with ease. I am going to discuss the process in this blog post, and l will show the niches as well.

So, keep reading this post till the very end…

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How Did I Find 7 Low Competition KDP Niches In 12 Minutes!

profitable low competition kdp niches

As mentioned earlier, I used the cloud tool to find these niches. Below I will share with you the filters I used to find these 7 kdp niches. 

I searched for the top 100 books under the Notebook category with a BSR range of 1 to 500k and an average price of 0 to $100. Actually, I used the default filters and clicked on the search button.

kdp niche research cloud tool

After that, I kept scrolling and noted down the books with good best sellers ranks (BSRs). Then I checked these books’ titles (keywords phrases) on amazon to analyze the competition.  By doing so, I was able to find the following low-competition kdp niches under the notebook category.

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7 Profitable Low Competition KDP Niches

Below I will give an overview of each kdp niche I found using the book bolt cloud tool.

# 1 – Composition Notebook Cute Axolotl

This is the very first niche I found. It’s a sub-niche under the composition notebook niche. The exact keyword “Composition Notebook Cute Axolotl” has 2000 amazon search results and the top-ranking book with this keyword has a BSR of just over 12k which is amazing.

composition notebook cute axolotl

So, based on the number of search results and the bsr, we conclude that this is a good niche for creating composition notebooks. It’s actually a sub-niche under the main composition notebook niche.

# 2 – Genealogy Organiser

The second profitable kdp niche I found is “Genealogy Organiser”. This exact keyword has 297 search results or competing products under all categories which is a good sign of very low competition.

When it comes to the profitability of this niche, I was able to find a book with a very good BSR of just over 22k. So based upon these facts we can say that Genealogy Organisers can be a great niche too.

genealogy organiser kdp niche

# 3 – Chinese Writing Practice Book

Chinese writing practice book was the third profitable kdp niche with low competition that I found during my live kdp niche research. This exact keyword phrase has over 1000 competing products which speaks of a low competition

As far as the profitability of the niche is concerned, I was able to find some books ranking on their very first page with very good BSRs. I think the best-selling book has a BSR of just over 22k.

chines writing practice book

# 4 –  Primary Composition Notebook Grades K-2

The fourth kpd niche I found is another sub-niche under the composition notebook niche. The keyword “Primary Composition Notebook Grades K-2” has just over 1000 amazon search results which is a good sign of lower competition.

While the books ranking on the first page have good bestseller ranks. Actually, most of the books on the first page have very good BSRs. So, the keyword phrase fulfills our criteria of profitability and low competition.

primary composition notebook grades k-2

# 5 – Nanny Daily Log

Our fifth niche is a sub-niche under the Log Book niche. The exact keyword “nanny daily log” has only 311 competing products while the books on the first page do have good BSRs. 

So, this is yet another very good niche to publish books in during 2022. You can get interiors from Creative Fabrica or create one yourself using Canva.

nanny daily log

# 6 – Birthday Reminder Book By Month

Next comes our 6th low competition kdp niche. First I searched the keyword “birthday reminder book” and found that I had a bit higher no. of competing products. 

So, niched a bit down and found another relevant keyword that is “Birthday Reminder Book By Month” and it has much lower competition. To be precise, it has over 1000 competing products which is a good number to start with.

birthday reminder

# 7 – Lab Notebook

Our 7th final kdp niche has 923 total competing products when searched under All Departments. What it means is that the niche has low competition and if you can create a good quality book with a catchy cover, then you can expect regular sales.

lab notebook

Now let’s just have a look at the profitability factor of this niche. On the very first under all departments, the exact keyword Lab Notebook is showing books with very good BSRs. In the screenshot below, you can see that the two books have a best seller rank of around 22k. 

So, we can say that this is another low competition kdp niche that is profitable as well. 


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Final Thoughts

As you read, I was able to find 7 low-competition kdp niches in a matter of minutes using book bolt’s cloud tool. These niches have low no of competitors and have books with good Bsrs. 

Thanks for reading it till the very end, and If you found this post helpful, then do share it with your friends!

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Subha Malik


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