
Create UNIQUE Telling Time Worksheets In 3 Simple Clicks!

Welcome to my blog! I am sharing this quick blog post to let you know about the Launch of an amazon app that allows you to create over 400 different types of telling time worksheets in a few clicks.

You can use this app to create stunning time telling practice workbooks and publish them on amazon kdp to earn passive income online. The app is called Time Worksheets Generator, and it is equipped with a ton of amazing features to create 100% unique time telling worksheets and workbooks. 

You may have read my blog post about Math Worksheets Generator, one of the best cloud-based apps by Niranjan and Bing. They have created a couple of other extremely useful apps for kdp publishers including instant puzzle generator, hand-drawn mazes, and instant maze generator. I personally am a big fan of those.

Read on to know more about Time Worksheets Generator which is released on 11th Nov 2022, 11 AM EST. 

👉 Checkout Time Worksheets Generator Here: https://warriorplus.com/o2/a/b8vr53/0

My Bonus: If you purchase it through my link, you will receive my mini-course about creating Stunning Covers for your time-telling practice workbooks inside Canva. The mini-course will be available on or before the 22nd of the current month!

Act Now and get the special launch prices as mentioned below;

Time Worksheets Generator FE:  $47 (After the launch $97)

Time Worksheets Generator PRO:  $67 (After the launch $97)

Time Worksheets Generator PREMIUM:  $67 (After the launch $97)

Note: the launch will end on the 14th of November 2022.

Why Telling Time Worksheets Generator?

Math practice workbooks for telling time are one of the best-selling books on amazon kdp. However, creating them manually takes a substantial chunk of time and resources. Especially considering the level of your review you need to make sure the solutions are accurate.

With TGW (time worksheets generator), you can create a wide range of time worksheets for kids. You can use these telling time worksheets and create practice workbooks to sell on amazon kdp.

3 Simple Steps To Create Premium Telling Time Worksheets

telling time worksheets generator review

As mentioned earlier, the time worksheets generator has made it a lot easier to create beautiful-looking time worksheets, the process consists of three simple steps that you are going to learn right away!

Step # 1 – Select a Time Telling Element

After you have access to the app, you can log in and access whatever version you have purchased. Then create a new collection of click on the default collection, either way, the software will take you to Canvas. 

Here you will see a lot of time-telling templates or elements. There are 417 different templates or elements in the front-end version, the best way to access these templates is by using filters as shown below;

time worksheets generator filters

These filters are very helpful to navigate through the time-telling elements. By using filters you can search the time elements by;

  • Clock Template Type 
  • Clock Type
  • Answer Block Style
  • Answer Border Style

By using these 4 filers you can quickly select the type and style of telling time element that you can use to create your telling time worksheets. For the sake of this blog post I am going to select the following filters;

  • Clock Template Type: To the half hour
  • Clock Type: Analog
  • Answer Block Style: Box
  • Answer Border Style: Solid
time worksheets generator to the half hour templates

As you can see after selecting these filters, there are two different types of time elements that you can choose from, I have selected the first one and the app has added a beautiful-looking time worksheet on the canvas.

Step # 2 – Customize and Clone The Pages

You can do a lot of customization with these templates, to better explain this you can watch my time worksheets generator review here. Some of the customizations include;

  • Adding custom text
  • Changing font type and size
  • Changing the grid height and width
  • Changing no rows and columns 
  • Changing the trim size
  • Adding the margins
  • Customizing clock hands
  • Customizing answer blocks

Once you are satisfied with the look and feel of your telling time worksheet, you can clone it to create more pages. Here, the software adds totally different time-telling problems on each cloned page. So, in a few clicks, you can create a whole time-telling workbook that you can download and publish on amazon kdp.

to the half hour telling time math worksheet

Step # 3 – Download Your Telling Time Math Workbook

This is the final and most exciting part of creating telling time math worksheets. Once you have created enough pages for your telling time math workbook, you can click on the download button towards the top right corner and download the whole workbook as PGN, JPG, or PDF. 

download your telling time math workbook

One thing you need to know is, you can also create solutions/answer keys. To do that simply click on the Eye button toward the top of the canvas, and the app will create 100% accurate answer keys in a matter of seconds. The time worksheets generator will add the answer pages toward the end of the workbook.

creating answer keys for telling time worksheets

That’s it. You can create premium quality time telling math workbooks using the time worksheets generator and earn passive income by selling them on amazon kdp.


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Time Worksheets Generator Pricing & Versions

The time worksheets generator comes in three versions, the front-end version, and the two optional upgrades. Below is the pricing structure of these three versions;

  • Time Worksheets Generator FE:  $47 (After the launch $97)
  • Time Worksheets Generator PRO:  $67 (After the launch $97)
  • Time Worksheets Generator PREMIUM:  $67 (After the launch $97)

You can watch my review video to know about the major features of the front-end version and both upgrades.

Create UNIQUE Telling Time Worksheets In 3 Simple Steps Using Time Worksheets Generator ~ Subha Malik

Let’s Summarize

Educational workbooks are really popular on amazon and telling time practice workbooks are one of them. Creating these books manually takes a lot of time and effort, therefore, not many people could create them. But now the time worksheets generator has made it a lot easier to create telling time worksheets or workbooks. 

The software is a one-off payment and you will get 50% off during the launch period that ends on the 14th of Nov, 2022. So, act now as the price is not going to drop in the future.

Thank you so much for reading this blog post to the end. If you have any questions about the app you can get in touch with me via email: ssadiq2011@gmail.com.


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